Step 1
Start out with the basic forms using soft charcoal for this. Don't apply too much pressure.

Step 2
Continue by sketching in the basic features: ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. Don't worry about the details yet.

Step 3
Take a tissue or a cloth and lightly rub over the charcoal lines. Erase around the kitten to make the figure more prominent.

Step 4
Use a kneaded eraser or a sharp eraser to erase the lighter parts of the kitten like the area around the eyes, in the ears, and around the body.

Step 5
Start adding the darker values on the kitten's head. Try to keep the flow of the fur in mind.

Step 6
Add in the darker values for the torso and tail.

Step 7
Sketch in the paw and add details to the toes.

Step 8
Finish up by outlining the kitty and adding final touches.