Step 1
Start out with a basic sketch. Use basic guidelines to place features.

Step 2
Clean the sketch up as much as possible. HB and F pencils for sketching.

Step 3
Roughly and lightly shade over the drawing. Use a cloth/paper towel and an HB pencil.

Step 4
Start by drawing in the eyes. Use a B pencil for the darker shading and a 2H pencil for the lighter shading.

Step 5
Move on down to the nose and mouth. Don't worry about the surrounding skin yet.

Step 6
Add in the dark shading on the left side of the face. Use 4B and B pencils.

Step 7
Sketch in the hair using a B pencil. Pay attention to the natural flow of the hair.

Step 8
Develop the hair's shading some more.

Step 9
Roughly blend over the face with a darker value. Use an HB pencil and a cloth/paper towel.

Step 10
Use an eraser to erase away the highlights of the skin. Kneadable erasers work best for this. Use a 2H pencil to define the light shading more.

Step 11
Finish up the drawing by adding more definition to the hair. Use a B pencil for this.