Step 1
Start out by sketching in some basic guidelines. A 9B pencil for this drawing along with an F for some details.

Step 2
Roughly sketch in the dragon's head.

Step 3
Sketch in the neck.

Step 4
Roughly shade in the drawing.

Step 5
Lightly blend over the drawing with a paper towel.

Step 6
Add a dark outline to the dragon.

Step 7
Blend in the background and darken it some more.

Step 8
Erase some of the highlights from the dragon's head.

Step 9
Roughly shade in the dragon head.

Step 10
Start darkening the shading and adding details. Work from top to bottom. Use an F pencil for details if your 9B pencil seems too soft.

Step 11
Shade in the rest of the head using mainly the 9B pencil.

Step 12
Roughly sketch out the scale plates on the neck.

Step 13
Roughly shade in the neck.

Step 14
Finish up the drawing by smoothing out the shading on the neck and in the background.